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participant since 11/21/2017

Pualani Burns, LME

93.4% Patient Satisfaction based on 3 ratings

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About Pualani Burns:

Pualani, a master esthetician, has spent over 40 years in aesthetics. A former model, makeup artist, and art major in college, once she experienced her first facial she “felt wonderful” and knew she wanted to pursue a career in aesthetics.

“I have a passion for helping others with their skin because regular aesthetics treatments helped me with acne as a young woman. I want to help others look and feel better about themselves.”

Pualani is a native of Hawaii and has been on the mainland since 1995. She lives in Virginia Beach with her husband and moved to Hampton Roads to be near her daughter.

Contact This Provider

747 Volvo Parkway, Suite 102 Chesapeake, VA 23320

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