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participant since 7/24/2017

Heather Perry, LME

97.2% Patient Satisfaction based on 22 ratings

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About Heather Perry:

Heather has over 12 years of progressive experience as a Master Aesthetician. After completing an associate’s degree and aesthetics license, she started her career in the San Francisco Bay area. Heather gained extensive experience with cutting edge technologies and products in the heart of Silicon Valley. She provides individualized comprehensive skin care by performing microdermabrasion, chemical peels, dermaplaning, LED Therapy, computerized skin analysis, body contouring therapies, facials and a variety of laser and Broad band Light treatments. Heather’s aptitude for non-surgical treatments and extensive product knowledge combined with her personalized treatment plans help facilitate her patient’s continued success in reaching their skin care goals. Heather believes that education is the most important factor in health and anti-aging, and takes pride in knowing she has the opportunity to make a difference in her patient’s skin and life. Heather lives in the Harbor View neighborhood of Suffolk with her family.

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747 Volvo Parkway, Suite 102 Chesapeake, VA 23320

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